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Kiambere Villas Kileleshwa Nairobi Kenya

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Project Information

Kiambere Villas Kileleshwa Nairobi Kenya entailed rehabilitating and upgrading a number of these villas including painting and plumbing works. Among the things that were to be done was restoring the degraded facilities to their previous state. The rooms were to be repaired and painted, The staircase walls had to be re-painted. The doors were to be vanished and the exterior was to be re-coated with weather resistant paint.
  • Client:Construction Company
  • Location:Kiambere Villas Kileleshwa Nairobi Kenya;
  • Surface Area:500,000 m2
  • Year Completed:July, 2020
  • Value:$9, 430
  • Architect:Harri & Gary

Kiambere Villas Kileleshwa Nairobi Kenya

Building renovation project Nairobi Kenya.

Building renovation project Nairobi Kenya Kenya; these are well designed villas in the upmarket sector of the city of Nairobi. Jongonga Contractors was given the work of rehabilitating and upgrading a number of these villas.

Project Challenge Kiambere Villas , Kileleshwa Nairobi

  • Meeting the time-frame was challenging with the wet weather; especially when the work was being done outside.
  • Construction of the scaffolding
  • Limitation of working hours due to the COVID 19 restrictions on movement

What We Did – Kiambere Villas Kileleshwa Nairobi

Jongonga Contractors worked on both the interior and exterior improvements including paint-works in the interior rooms and the stairs plus repairs in places where the plaster had cracks. The cabinets and shelf had also to be replaced wardrobes re-done and painted.

Result – Kiambere Villas Kileleshwa Nairobi

The end result of the interior and exterior work was as shown below in the pictures below and the work was done within the timeline that we had given even though there was some interference with the exterior painting work with onset of  the rainy season.